Sunday, January 15, 2023


Good Morning:

Let’s go up on the Mountain or Spiritual Zion with The Father where the new blog will reside. Please feel free to follow. This will be a place for his people to gather, to be encouraged and where His Power shall make perfect rest in one’s temple.

You have already come so far... 

One benefit of going deeper with God is that we will produce more fruit. The deeper the root, the more the fruit (Proverbs 12:12)

I wanted to share an experience while dwelling in His Presence. But first, let’s discuss the plan for your future Spiritual Temple. His new temple is being built in Spiritual Israel (his sealed workers). We know His Spiritual Temple resides within each of us and we can experience His Spiritual Israel (Kingdom) when we go up the Mountain just like Jesus did!  Everything Jesus did is an example for us today.

Ezekiel in Chapters 40-46 tells us in his vision while visiting the land of Israel, it is very different than when he previously visited in his earlier chapters. 

In visions of God he took me to the land of Israel and set me on a very high mountain, on whose south side were some buildings that looked like a city. Ezekiel 40:2

Ezekiel shares how he measures the temple and what each rooms use will be. Later, we read He did not see God’s people living in a devastated land or a place where their temple’s were defiled. God’s people were redeemed because they had learned to enter His Inner Court.  Today, the inner court is His Spiritual presence where we can commune with a repented heart. 

A room with a doorway was by the portico in each of the inner gateways, where the burnt offerings were washed. Ezekiel 40:38

Ezekiel tells us God’s people were redeemed! 

The Lord led me to these verses to share.... please take some time to read them. His Spirit is heavy on me and this is a very important message. 

You've all worked so hard, your spiritual garments are gleaming, go forth and enter His Presence.

The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day. Proverbs 4:18

Citizens this message is to go deeper!  There is much fruit to gain in this place. 🕊

Think about what He did with my blog, it was removed! I am saving that revelation for another post , but meanwhile, we must not rely on our own understanding, but seek The Father himself in all things, Face to Face! 

The father knows we rely on His Spiritual manna and He has established a new land called Springs of Zion with podcasts. We serve a gracious merciful God~!

The name Zion is often used to describe a place appointed by the Lord where his followers can live and serve God. Scripture refers to Zion as the “City of Holiness” and a “city of refuge” where the Lord protects his people from the evils in the world.  

My previous blog was not protected by God and the enemy came to steal, kill and destroy. This new blog is being established in the land called Zion for His Protection.... isn’t this exciting and encouraging!

By the way, this is what The Father is doing right now in the hearts of His Citizen’s of Zion. He is speaking to each of you and offering to take you to higher protected ground.  

It does not matter where you are in your journey, exiting Egypt, in your wilderness or crossing the Jordan. God is inviting His Citizens to a deeper & higher Spiritual level. We are to access the Father just like Jesus did and enter His Spiritual Mountain. He is building new lands [places within your heart] with new springs [revelation] that flow right up His Mountain [His Presence]. 

Remember, Ezekiel received the plans for this temple while on the mountain [place of prayer]. He was shown the land and its new tribal divisions. Ezekiel 48:1-7

Let’s keep in mind, Moses wasn't allowed to enter the promised land because of his disobedience. If we cannot enter, we must be seeking The Father in prayer about what is hindering our access. 

While communing with The Father, I was taken up to Mount Zion and shown all the shining lights below within the temple of His People. The shining lights are His Workers from every Tribe. His faithful servants Who have not fallen or gone astray, even with all the surrounding darkness. They shine His Brilliant light in His City of Zion. 

I have shared before that dwelling in His holy place or the Holy of Holies with The Father is a phrase or way to express the private place in which we meet him. This is where we commune with Him and hear Him speak. He can give visions, dreams or impressions in this place.  It’s a very intimate, refreshing & freeing place.

So, let's talk about the spiritual temple. There is an outer court, inner court, a couple of gates, rooms, the sanctuary, and the altar & sacrifice where only the Priests are allowed in. We are told this in the books of  Leviticus and Numbers. These Levite’s were chosen by God as His high priests and were only allowed to enter the Holy of Holies once a year at the feast of tabernacles. Leviticus 16:11-14  

Once inside, the priest would light the incense to create a cloud that would block their view of God's divine presence, then they would pray before the cover and sprinkle sacrificial lamb upon it. Our High Priest is Yahshua, the lamb of God, enables our access to this Holy place. That’s why Jesus went up the Mountain to pray, he was accessing the Holy of Holies to commune with His Father.


Today, this spiritual temple is the most inner court within one’s heart. This is a sacred place of humility beyond the vail of things hidden from one's heart and mind. Just like in the days of Moses, we are only able to enter the innermost court where the ark of the covenant was kept when we come with a repented heart with our High Priest, Yahshua, the Lamb of God.

To enter, we must quiet your minds, and I have shared the steps to access The Father in my previous post called Spiritual Nobility and in my first podcast.  Linked here.

My very first experience as I'm sitting quietly, taming my mind of any thoughts with a smile on my face. . .  my thoughts float upward and I enter the temple, Holy of Holies. My first impression is of so much sickness. At the time, I was sick and many people I knew were sick and when God spoke to me especially in the beginning everything He shared was for me. Later, I learned a lot of people are experiencing the same things at the same time, it can be helpful to share. Therefore, as I am seeing all these sick people, I felt a deep impression within my spirit to begin praying or interceding for those who were sick.

The enemy of our soul works diligently, against our hearts, so prior to this, I did not feel led to pray for others, especially those I did not feel deserved my prayers. 

See how the enemy works? 

My prayers were about building myself, family or friends up! I did keep myself in the word as much as possible, keeping the things of darkness out of my thoughts, but this battle continued day in and day out. 

And then, as I'm sitting there, The Father shows me the dangers within my heart; He showed me how to be open without getting hurt; how to be kind without being weak; and how to be humble without having pride. 

Each of these feelings had given me a hardened heart, but when replaced by God’s perspective, my deceived heart began to understand His written Word and all the parables. It was BRILLIANT & so exciting. His Spirit shined within me —- literally over night my perspective changed. 

I started feeling like all people deserved my prayers because I had empathy for their situation.This was very new to me. I began to understand the sacrifice of Jesus in a new way. A place where I could pray and have empathy without judgment! This experience in the Holy of Holies showed me all the sick people were both in the natural and the spiritual needed my prayers. By giving prayers, instead of always receiving prayer, my heart began to soften. I started praying for everyone and the door to joy within my heart opened to me. 

Of course having recorded this experience in my journal, I later reflected on this first experience which is why it’s important to journal for a deeper revelation always comes later. With my new found joy, I overcame my sickness. I was healed.

Do you know that the people I began praying for turned their life around. They had made huge changes for themselves. And One of them even got baptized in a church. Praise God!

I want to encourage you to write down everything you hear… don't try to make sense of it. Don't use your brain, just write what you hear His Spirit speaking. In the beginning, some of it might not come from The Father, but that’s okay, as you free your soul of its hardened ways, the words in your journal become strictly The Fathers.  If we hear things of doom and gloom, there is more work to be done within our hearts.

Another important fact for journaling is when we go back at a later date, we can sift through what’s been written as true or false or be reminded of answered prayers. In the beginning, I flagged the true statements and left the untrue statement, until I was sure they were untrue and eventually crossed them off completely. Holy Spirit is a huge truth helper. Keep asking what’s true and He will answer. The things holding you back in your life can be revealed and healed.

Our enemy knows what God has planned for you, so the places where God will use you once you’re walking in unity with Him; these are the areas that get attacked by the enemy and carry the most spiritual warfare.

A year later, I went back to this first journal entry and felt such love from our Father & I want to share my note added a whole year later!

As I enter my secret place with The Father, I felt Him cleansing my hardened heart. It's so good to come here and feel this level of love and hope. If Only I could keep myself seated here, a place of safety, a place of love, forgiveness and a true daughter of My Beloved Jesus. The spirit of the lord is waiting here ….makes me tear up, He comes to teach me, comfort me and rid me of my burdens.  


I have been relieved of all the things that I was carrying… such a heavy weight! 

I am beginning to feel weightless. 

Some of the things, I carry, I see a yoke around my neck. Once I discovered it, truth overcomes me and I see the metal clasp of the yoke open and fall from my neck. CLINK it hits the ground! "These are generational curses,” says The Father. 

My lineage carried many yokes. I am reluctant to enter here even though, without a doubt, that dwelling in God's presence is a blessing. It is far better than anything I have ever experienced, yet I seek the tents of wickedness where I am curtained from his love and peace. Help me Father to overcome.

So I just wanna leave you today with these thoughts: 

  1. What keeps you from dwelling in His Secret place?  
  2. Are you in agreement with things outside of God?
  3. What makes you fearful?  
  4. Do you believe God’s love leads to freedom?
  5. Is there a place in your home where you can get quiet?  If not make one. Take a moment each day by stopping whatever you are doing, sit with a notepad and ask Jesus to Come. Tell Him you are welcome here within my heart, please show me your love …. Show me your endless joy!  

Often times, I talk to God while I'm doing dishes and He talks to me just like he’s standing in the room.  This is your goal! 

You must truly believe, without a doubt you have a Father in Heaven, A King of the Highest court who is speaking to you. Any doubt invites the enemy! The Father alway comes in peace, not anger without rushing. If you hear anger, guilt or shame, these are the voices of the enemy. The Father will never ask you do something you shouldn’t!  

Always always, our Heavenly Father comes with gentleness and peace. 

There is a fire that God will ignite you! I pray my posts rekindle this fire, so you search out the mystery of His will for your life. He promises to reveals his hidden mysteries to those who seek Him. 

"to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things."  Ephesians 3:9

Shalom ðŸ¦‹ 


“Stand Still” M y soul, for My Father commands it.  When my way seems blocked, I leave it in His wise hands; His arm is mighty to divide the...