“Stand Still” My soul, for My Father commands it.
When my way seems blocked, I leave it in His wise hands; His arm is mighty to divide the wave.
“Stand still,” my soul, “stand still” to see How God can work the “impossible” for a great deliverance comes as He does save.
We have contended and stood knowing to not be impatient, but in stillness stand, Even when surrounded on every hand, In ways that our your does not comprehend. God cannot clear our way till we are still, That He may work in you His blessed will, And all your heart and will to Him do bend.
“BE STILL,” my soul, for just when you are still, Can God reveal Himself to you; until Through you His love and light and life can freely flow; In stillness God can work through you and reach The souls around you. He then through you can teach His lessons, and His power in weakness show.
“BE STILL”—a deeper step in faith and rest. “Be still and know” your Father does know best The way to lead His child to that fair land, A “summer” land, where quiet waters flow; Where longing souls are satisfied, and “know Their God,” and praise for all that He has planned. selected