Sunday, June 30, 2024


Through your glorious name and your awesome power we can push through to any victory and defeat every enemy. Psalm 44:5 

O' God, in heaven enthroned upon my heart, I wake up each day thankful I am free. I worship you in a thankfulness consumed with a desire for you —-a longing touch so real. 

Your presence becomes so incredibly real and profound, I feel a truth guiding my motives until they are completely purified. Your unending mercy forgives my failings with such love. (Psalm 123:1)

When you speak, my heart comes alive. When you whisper, my soul finds peace in a world driven by chaos. You are the breath that pushes me forward to walk in Grace among the wicked.

There’s a fire burning deep within my soul that has been ignited by your touch. The embers expand me, I want to know more of you, to honor you, to please you and to discover your hidden secrets.

Lord, as I come to know the depths of your light, I am able to pivot to see what is real and right and never allowing myself to sink beyond the muck and mire of my world.

Instead, I am lifted by an unfailing faith as firm as a flourishing tree planted by your design that has become deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss; bearing fruit of prosperity in every season.

Moment by moment every fiber of my being overflows with joy and wonder as I discover walking this path with you. I find sure footing, in your son, Jesus, the One who sustains me. Letting me remain truly—rooted & deeply in your love, saturated with the waters of your Spirit’s nearness.You are my Alpha and Omega, thank you Father God for being My King! AMEN! 


“Stand Still” M y soul, for My Father commands it.  When my way seems blocked, I leave it in His wise hands; His arm is mighty to divide the...