Wednesday, November 8, 2023


While praying this morning, I heard, “MOAB, do not enter“

Being unfamiliar with the city of Moab, I looked-up the word Moab in the dictionary and it means, BOMB. In the biblical sense, it is the land just short of the Promised Land

Let’s take a look at the Book of Isaiah 15. God wanted to destroy Moab for its sins against him and the people living in this land are oppressed.

Are we oppressed? Let’s find out!

I could not find any worship of Yahweh in the land of Moab. The significance of the land of Moab is similar to Sodom & Gomorrah. The sinful city where Lot and his wife resided and she is turned into a pillar of salt for looking back. The wickedness of this city became legendary and most of us know it was destroyed by fire. 

So, when the lord spoke to me regarding Moab, I wasn’t aware how corrupt the land was until I started digging and my finding are with sharing.

Moab was where Ruth was born and we all know the story of her mother-in-law Naomi in the Book of Ruth. Naomi never found favor in the Lord, having lost her husband and two sons in Moab. Moab’s culture made i6 difficult to follow our Heavenly Father, and it made God’s people feel separated, not only spiritually compromised but easily deceived. The people in the land of Moab were worshipping idols and serving strange gods making them rebellious and sinful in the eyes of God, Yahweh. 

In Psalms 60:8 the Lord says“Moab is my washout.”Meaning a filthy place used by slaves to wash the feet of their victor. Our world today appeals to our flesh, but in the end we feel hopeless and separated from Yahweh. Therefore, are we living in spiritual Moab? 

If so, who is the victor?

Let’s take a look at the Judgments to the land of Moab in the Book of Isaiah 15.

1. They had shortages to food, famine caused by drought.
2. They had shortage of FAITH, in the days when the judges ruled because they didn’t have kings. This is revealed in Judges 21:25, “Those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” Men were not concerned with living according to Yahweh, they did what was right in their own eyes which was accepted in society. Now, isn’t this familiar, would you agree, this is how society is living today? Many are not concerned with what Yahweh has for them, they take care of their concerns in their own way. This does not please our heavenly Father. The Father wants us to consult him in everything, so he can bless us and give us favor in all things. However, doing this comes with Faith, and faith cannot be seen. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

3. They had a shortage of FAVOR in the eyes of God. Our favor comes by abiding in God and seeking His will. When we seek other little gods, living to satisfy our flesh, we are not living to glorify God. He becomes displeased. “

God will remove his hand of favor and his people with suffer in his absence.” Romans 11:2-5. 

Moab turned from God, therefore there was going to consequences and they were not going to be protected by Him. 

4. Moab had a great famine of HEARING from Yahweh. They couldn’t hear God speaking because they were too busy satisfying themselves with things that fed their flesh. 

Are we doing this again today? 

Can you hear his small voice or are you too busy? He is beckoning us to come, sit beside his son, Yahshua on the Mercy Seat in his Tabernacle and commune with him.

“Father, the hour is come; glorify the Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should be give eternal life. To as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”John 17:1-2

After reading about the land of Moab, I began journaling and I want to share what I heard the Spirit of God speak to my heart: 

Angela, my people do not understand that I created everything including the demonic to battle with them. This battle on earth allows a sifting and molding of my children that can only be done through trials and suffering. 

The journey to my promise land is a narrow and difficult path that only a few will find on this side of heaven. Many have not kept my commandments, my sabbath and have defiled their temple. Those of you who understand that you are not under My Law, but freely given-up things that appeal to your flesh have broken down barriers and been given access to My Table table to commune with me. 

Those of you searching for My Tabernacle, My Son Yahshua, the true vine that bearer of fruit, seek him! He will cleanse and purge you and taketh away the branches within you that need trimming. If you abide in him, you will find me, your Heavenly Father Yahweh (Hebrew for God) and I will abide in you.

If you do the things I command of you, we will be great friends and you my servant shall be set free. I will send the My HOLY SPIRIT to abide in you and will diligence you shall be given FIRE. My Spirit comforts and provides truth in all things. My Spirit will burn so bright within those given Me the opportunity . My Light will guide you into wisdom and understanding beyond man’s comprehension. He shall share and warn you of the things to come so that you go forth and bring fruit in My Name and much shall be given.

I  Come in peace, 

Love Yahweh, the great IAM and Creator of ALL things.


In summary, God wants us to enter his Tabernacle. This is a quiet place where we pray and talk or commune with Him. 

In the old testament, only the Priest could enter and access his Holy of Holies in the inner most room of the Tabernacle. Our enmey in this world says you must be special, be called or even be a man to be a Priest. This Priesthood is in the Kingdom of Heaven though our  Messiah, Jesus Christ.  In the eyes of Yahweh and His Son, Yahshua who went to the cross at Calvary, we are forgiven. All sin is washed when we must enter with a repentant heart.

As you seek God, start in the beginning of your life, or where is your heartache? If you experience anxiety like I did, this new devotion to God will deliver you from all hinderances. Step by step like an onion our defenses can be withdrawn to reveal our true tabernacle or heart!  

Our enemy knows the great healer, will come to provide freedom, but stay with it for at least 2 weeks and you will begin to notice the little things that use to drive you crazy about yourself begin to occur less and less.  Jesus has walked me through a complete deliverance of many things keeping me from freedom.

Go all the way back to the beginning of your life and start there and ask Yahshua for healing. Ask him to Wash you, WASH you, Wash you again of with His Everlasting water that flows from His Heart to yours. He will melt away all your wounds and any lies you have believed for your life. Soak in His Truths this day.

The enemy uses abandonment, humiliation, perfection, shame, condemnation, lack of fellowship to no one understands, God is only good sometimes, what you do doesn’t matter and so on. Recognizing the lies to combat them and God’s truth will put these lies to death for good! In the face of God we can surrender every false truth we carrying to the feet of Jesus! 

Once you understand who you are in Christ the Messiah the enemy cannot keep you from the Father or His Blessings and inheriting what is truly yours.

Once all your earthly barriers are removed, you will find you have stepped into The Tabernacle and worshipping God in His Spirit begins like a musical harp begins to play and His Holy choir will sing, Hallelujah! I truly believe they can’t wait for you to join! Come now, come…..

Praying this blesses you beyond measure in Christ ~

Scriptures given for his word

Matthew 5
Revelation 21:25
Exodus 12:25
John 15: 1-11
John 15: 16
John 15:13
John 20:19-23


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