Tuesday, March 21, 2023



FEBRUARY 23, 2022 9:56 PM

To My Victors & Working Servants who are faithful and true,

The hour is late, many many of My True Servants are unaware of the stains of darkness contained within their heart. These stains come in the form of vain talkers & deceivers [devils] defiling you’re garments restricting your walk in My Kingdom - - Bondage to whom I will judge.

Freedom comes through belief in My Power! Learning to obey My Magistrates & study My Word and be ready to do work. This takes courage, but speak no evil of no man, be no brawlers, but show gentleness and meekness to all. 

For even Mine can be foolishly sucked-in, disobedient, deceived, serving their lusts & pleasures living in malice, hating one another, but through repentance and My love and Mercy towards man you shall be saved! 

By My Grace you are forgiven & hope of enteral life.

In this hour, My Presence [Holy Spirit] must indwell in you. Come to Me, confess your heart, let Me comfort and mend you. Gunny-sacks of burdens, over-whelming sorrow, questions of My Decisions and many disappointments.

Come now, lay these at My Feet. Let me wash away your burdens so deeply rooted within your temple that you, My Victors, are being tossed from Joy to sorrow like a tropical storm.

As long as your wash yourself in My blood [repent] for I AM the sacrificial lamb to which I bare all sin in the world. 

My True Blameless Ones who have worked through their land to connect to My Vine is being watered by My Rushing Water. This fountain of water pumps freely from My Spring of everlasting life into the ventricles of your heart. 

For those My Servants still working . . .in My Word, I speak of rivers of water [My Spirit] in many many of My Verses. Seek ME and step into My River.  This is My Realm where no carnal man may can have access. 

This river flows deeply revealing many everlasting treasures & truths unknown to carnal man since the fall of the garden. 

Without My River, man cannot access this knowledge.

Come Beloved, sit in My River as it refines and purifies those learning to walk in holy righteousness. 

Be thankful that I share My River of everlasting love for you. My River contains Fire that purges thy silver & gold (all vanity) to bring thy impurities bubbling to the surface, allowing My Truth to take hold of each thought and emotion making all things new [within your heart].

I AM aware this last leg of the race has made you weary and impatient for My Arrival. 

I AM coming soon.

I come to give My Pure River, clear as a crystal, water of life proceeding out of My Throne Room. These waters flow directly into the Midst of Mine, and on either side of the river there is My Tree of Life yielding fruits every month, with leaves for healing for all nations [hearts of the people]. 

My Beloved, I come to bless My Victor's giving rights to My tree of Life and enter through the gates of the city.

And here in My Kingdom near My River, no more curses just the Throne of The Father and My servants serving with everlasting hope & glory. 

Each of Mine baring My Name on their forehead. There shall be no darkness, Nor the need to carry your lamp, as the light in My Kingdom carries no translucent light not even a shadow, just brilliant rays, 

I AM the Light forever and ever.

Be Ready for I come quickly and My reward is with Me to give every man according to his works. I AM the Alpha & Omega, the beginning and the end the first and the last. 

My grace be with you all. Halleluiah!


“Stand Still” M y soul, for My Father commands it.  When my way seems blocked, I leave it in His wise hands; His arm is mighty to divide the...