Sunday, June 30, 2024


Through your glorious name and your awesome power we can push through to any victory and defeat every enemy. Psalm 44:5 

O' God, in heaven enthroned upon my heart, I wake up each day thankful I am free. I worship you in a thankfulness consumed with a desire for you —-a longing touch so real. 

Your presence becomes so incredibly real and profound, I feel a truth guiding my motives until they are completely purified. Your unending mercy forgives my failings with such love. (Psalm 123:1)

When you speak, my heart comes alive. When you whisper, my soul finds peace in a world driven by chaos. You are the breath that pushes me forward to walk in Grace among the wicked.

There’s a fire burning deep within my soul that has been ignited by your touch. The embers expand me, I want to know more of you, to honor you, to please you and to discover your hidden secrets.

Lord, as I come to know the depths of your light, I am able to pivot to see what is real and right and never allowing myself to sink beyond the muck and mire of my world.

Instead, I am lifted by an unfailing faith as firm as a flourishing tree planted by your design that has become deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss; bearing fruit of prosperity in every season.

Moment by moment every fiber of my being overflows with joy and wonder as I discover walking this path with you. I find sure footing, in your son, Jesus, the One who sustains me. Letting me remain truly—rooted & deeply in your love, saturated with the waters of your Spirit’s nearness.You are my Alpha and Omega, thank you Father God for being My King! AMEN! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Dear Yah, my God of power, I desire that You create a clean heart in me. 

I desire to be like David who knew how to rejoice in the victories that You give (see Psalm 21:1–2). 

I desire to be free from the yokes and strongholds in my life. 

I know that my old self was crucified with Christ and that because of Him I no longer have to remain a slave to sin (see Romans 6:6–7). 

I acknowledge Your covenant with me. I know that it is for freedom that Christ went to the cross to set me free. 

Your desire is for me no longer to be burdened by any yoke of slavery (see Galatians 5:1). 

Thank You for empowering me for victory and a glorious future in Christ. I thank you Father for your mercy and grace! I love you Jesus! In Jesus Name I pray, AMEN!

Saturday, May 18, 2024


O God of my life, I’m lovesick for you in this weary wilderness. I thirst with the deepest longings to love you more with cravings in my heart that can’t be described. Such yearning grips my soul for you, my God! Psalm 63:1

I can’t hold it in any longer. Without you, I’m a mess. I need to experience you again. Nothing and no one can satisfy the longings of my soul the way you do. Though this season has left me weary and worn, I reach for you to bask in your love more than any other. I don’t care about anything else—I just need you. Refresh me.

I’m bowed before your throne, repenting of the things I have taken on without you. I am in need of your mercy once again. I come just as I am—an imperfect vessel filled with a perfect God. I won’t cower in fear from your righteous gaze. I know you see everything. My heart and mind are at odds and I need you.

I can’t survive this world without you. The demands of life are too much for me. It seems everything is fighting for my attention. I’m on the verge of a breakdown and it’s my own fault. I’ve let people pull me in every direction, schedules dictate my peace, and the chaos looming in the distance fills me with fear. I’m not sure how I ever lost sight of you. Forgive me! I want to worship you until nothing else matters.

I won’t clamor to fight my way out of the darkness any longer. I won’t curse this wilderness that has stripped me bare. Instead, I’ll thank you for what you’ve taught me in the midst of it. You’ve taught me that your love is enough to get me through every situation. I’ve learned that when I lean back and rest in your arms, you carry me to safety. More than anything else, I’ve come to realize just how much I love you and how faithful you are—every time.

I choose to stay here and hide myself in you, until these distractions disappear. When I turn to you, every part of me is revived. Spirit, soul, and body, your presence fills every void. When I look in your eyes, your kindness restores me. Even though I’ve lost everything I once held dear, I am left with a foundation that can never be shaken. In you, I have everything I need. Thank you Father for your mercy and love!

Sunday, May 5, 2024


Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul. I will freely sacrifice unto thee: I will praise thy name, O LORD; for it is good.Psalm 54:3-6

Lord, I will offer myself freely, and everything I am I give to you. 

I come before you Father to consecrate myself to you. I depend upon your Grace to fully devote myself to you! I worship and praise your name, O’Lord, for it is precious to me.

If I am to become holy, sever the chains and restraints—the bondage of my desires keeping me living an —average mundane life. Remove the barriers I have unknowingly created by burning away everything that is contrary to you. I choose to leave the camp of familiarity and place my tent in your presence Father YAH! 

Lord, unite my will to yours. Spirit, soul, and body—

Father, you are my God; there is no other. Speak to me, feed me with your spiritual bread so that I am satisfied with your revelation truth in the quiet depths of my soul. 

Your words are my life. They flood my mind —I can literally feel you flowing through me freeing me of ties to this world. Your voice sets my heart into holy devotion to you! I’m revived and can rejoice instead of worry.  

In every season of my soul, you are there—teaching, loving, providing. Never ruling me but keeping my heart open to recognize you and your ways. As I meditate on your Word, colorful light of joy begins to shines into every dark crevice, clearing away my misconceptions webbed by deception.

Lord, I hear you even when you don’t say a word. I feel you as you rise within me. Your presence is unmistakable. Your glory is a mystery I long to unravel and understand. You are the Beautiful One.

In you I lack nothing. Your very name is power and majesty. Your presence is peace, joy, and full of provision for every situation. I want to experience the fullness of your love. Captivate me Lord God so I am may worship you in spirit and truth—with unrelenting, unyielding devotion. 

Thank you for your grace, power and might. 

You are the first and the last. You are My Savior, Father, and Friend. You are the beauty that lives inside of me and the One who gave me joy when you saved my soul. I will not wrestle with truth, simply trusting every whisper you provide within my spirit. I embrace you and trust you with all my heart! I love you Father!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


How he satisfies the souls of thirsty ones and fills the hungry with all that is good! Psalm 107:9

Lord! I thank you for rescuing me from the powers of darkness. I am awe struck by your array of splendor! I can do nothing more than kneel before you and worship you!

I hear a symphony playing as nature sings your song: the clashing of symbols, the ringing of bells all within the skies above me. Even the stars twinkle and dance to the song playing in my heart. The power of your voice splinters the dense forest, shakes the deserts and yet speaks with such tender care consuming me with your holy passion. I am drawn-in to fall prostrate before you in awe and my hearts fills with hope.

Before my rescue, I would cower and hide. O’Lord, I was in despair. I stumbled into my wilderness in misery and I found you there. In my darkest season, living a nightmare your light was a trickle at first but eventually your love broke and I was free! 

I see now how I was starving for something that only you could satisfy! A thirst that only your living waters could quench my broken soul. You came, descending down the hidden staircase from the heavens to illuminate my world with your love. You satisfied me with your goodness!  I came alive! 

Today, I cannot look away. You are My Abba. Your love strengthens me. By your grace I stand before you, kissed with peace and You call me your child. Every void within my soul is filled with your loving touch. I am no longer disappointed in those who have turned against me, instead I pray for their emptiness to be illuminated by your love so they too can be set free!

Your presence swallows my imperfections, eradicates oppression and silences the enemy. My spirit cannot be shaken. I lift up my hands in surrender giving My Father unceasing praise for I have a King who cares for me. I shall sing my story of salvation for all the world to hear. Thank you Jesus for showing me the way. I am worthy!  

Monday, April 29, 2024


There is a river whose streams delight the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.Psalm 46:4

Father God, when I witness your breathtaking wonders at the break of dawn, I stand —awestruck by your great power dressed in red, orange and pink skies of mystery. 

Your glory ignites my faith, yet I am speechless. Your power is limitless. How mighty you are!  

As the nations rage all around me, your voice shakes the mountains to still the course of madness seeking to destroy me. You are God, Creator, Commander, and Mighty Lord of heavenly Armies who will be exalted everywhere on earth!

This is why I shall never fear: you are my dwelling place and the shelter in which I hide. Neither raging storm nor blazing fire—shall separate me from your love. You are more than capable of keeping me safe, even when the earth quakes and the mountains crash into the sea. 

As I step into your living waters nothing shall crush my faith as I swim into the deep. As I take a drink, your rivers of refreshment take me to find your holy waters that sparkle with joy and delight. It is here that I gaze upon My Abba whose causes both ruin and revival.

As I float in wonder of your love -there is no other. You are my unshakable heavenly tower of strength for whom I abide. Your perfect path reveals your promises - proven true. You are the favor garment of love that provides power as I wrap myself in you for strength.

Your gentleness has brought me back to life. Your love surprises me. Out of the ashes you discovered unexpected beauty. My once dry and dusty soul now flows with your rivers of living water. My fears are silenced by your love.

My spirit now dressed in clouds of mystery, you hold me tight. Today, I step into victory. You have restored my roar and made me great. Your are My King and worthy of Praise!

Today, read this as a prayer to connect you to God’s heart. As you take a portion of your day to pray aloud, and yes, I encourage you to pray out loud, your heart will burn with your soul’s desire to connect with Yah. 

Our Prayers is God’s way of drawing us into his heart. He knows that life-changing power is released when we spend time with Jesus in prayer. Adoration turns into transformation—if we are patient with ourselves. The more we love him, the more we spend time with him. And the more we spend time with him, the more our soul is transformed into his image and our spirit arises. Hallelujah! (2 Corinthians 3:18; John 14:21). 

Friday, April 26, 2024


We rebelled against God’s Word he humbled us through our circumstances. ... Then we cried out, “Lord, help us! Rescue us!” And he did! Psalm 107:11–13

Lord Yah Almighty, I am in constant need of your help being tossed in my storms; whether I have wandered, become a prisoner, distressed or sick, I cry out for you!

I know you love me and will never forsake me, but sometimes my flesh rises up and starts to doubt. Then, suddenly I am reminded in a whisper of your goodness and unfailing love. 

Thank you for being so gracious to me to come when I am sinking in a sea of confusion and the crashing waves threaten to tear apart my boat. You lift me up and encourage me with eyes that hold no condemnation- just love that never runs dry!

I turn from my chaos to fix my eyes upon you, You fill me with hope as I remember your victory. Ignite my faith as I meditate upon your Word. Suddenly, you reach out and tear the veil; the heaviness of mourning is lifted The path before me, once hidden in the shadows, comes clearly into view and I can see Your Light again. 

You teach me the ways of rest, so I can sleep through the storm. Even when I cannot sense your presence, you are here with me. Your love steadies me. You strengthen me with joy that contradicts the chaos I see all around.

You’ve trained me with the weapons of warfare-worship; now I shall kneel down into my battle with power to chase and conquer the coming waves. Align my words and thoughts with your truth. You are my Deliverer, Provider, Healer, Savior, and Friend. Give me fresh perspective and wisdom for each facet of my life. 

Just as the birds of the air fly upon your breath, I too will rise above to sing a song of praise with a beautiful melody. Songs of love begin to flow - - effortlessly from my lips as I anticipate my coming victory. 

You’re so good to me. I’ve believed for so long, but now I see your  promises. The answer is so clear. It was there all along. I shall battle within your Word, come before you in Praise & Worship and then rest in the safety of your arms to wait my rescue.

My Fortress! There is only one strong, safe, and secure place for me; it’s in God and He Alone. You come to kiss me with restoration. Once again I will walk upon the breath of grace to hear you speak. 

Every word you speak is true and alive. You desire the best for me in every part of my life. I will trust you and your timing, because I know how much you love me. Now you’ve turned my sadness into a whirling dance of ecstatic praise! I will shout it from the mountains—you are faithful! Hallelujah!


Through your glorious name and your awesome power we can push through to any victory and defeat every enemy. Psalm 44:5  O' God, in heav...