Monday, April 29, 2024


There is a river whose streams delight the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.Psalm 46:4

Father God, when I witness your breathtaking wonders at the break of dawn, I stand —awestruck by your great power dressed in red, orange and pink skies of mystery. 

Your glory ignites my faith, yet I am speechless. Your power is limitless. How mighty you are!  

As the nations rage all around me, your voice shakes the mountains to still the course of madness seeking to destroy me. You are God, Creator, Commander, and Mighty Lord of heavenly Armies who will be exalted everywhere on earth!

This is why I shall never fear: you are my dwelling place and the shelter in which I hide. Neither raging storm nor blazing fire—shall separate me from your love. You are more than capable of keeping me safe, even when the earth quakes and the mountains crash into the sea. 

As I step into your living waters nothing shall crush my faith as I swim into the deep. As I take a drink, your rivers of refreshment take me to find your holy waters that sparkle with joy and delight. It is here that I gaze upon My Abba whose causes both ruin and revival.

As I float in wonder of your love -there is no other. You are my unshakable heavenly tower of strength for whom I abide. Your perfect path reveals your promises - proven true. You are the favor garment of love that provides power as I wrap myself in you for strength.

Your gentleness has brought me back to life. Your love surprises me. Out of the ashes you discovered unexpected beauty. My once dry and dusty soul now flows with your rivers of living water. My fears are silenced by your love.

My spirit now dressed in clouds of mystery, you hold me tight. Today, I step into victory. You have restored my roar and made me great. Your are My King and worthy of Praise!

Today, read this as a prayer to connect you to God’s heart. As you take a portion of your day to pray aloud, and yes, I encourage you to pray out loud, your heart will burn with your soul’s desire to connect with Yah. 

Our Prayers is God’s way of drawing us into his heart. He knows that life-changing power is released when we spend time with Jesus in prayer. Adoration turns into transformation—if we are patient with ourselves. The more we love him, the more we spend time with him. And the more we spend time with him, the more our soul is transformed into his image and our spirit arises. Hallelujah! (2 Corinthians 3:18; John 14:21). 

Friday, April 26, 2024


We rebelled against God’s Word he humbled us through our circumstances. ... Then we cried out, “Lord, help us! Rescue us!” And he did! Psalm 107:11–13

Lord Yah Almighty, I am in constant need of your help being tossed in my storms; whether I have wandered, become a prisoner, distressed or sick, I cry out for you!

I know you love me and will never forsake me, but sometimes my flesh rises up and starts to doubt. Then, suddenly I am reminded in a whisper of your goodness and unfailing love. 

Thank you for being so gracious to me to come when I am sinking in a sea of confusion and the crashing waves threaten to tear apart my boat. You lift me up and encourage me with eyes that hold no condemnation- just love that never runs dry!

I turn from my chaos to fix my eyes upon you, You fill me with hope as I remember your victory. Ignite my faith as I meditate upon your Word. Suddenly, you reach out and tear the veil; the heaviness of mourning is lifted The path before me, once hidden in the shadows, comes clearly into view and I can see Your Light again. 

You teach me the ways of rest, so I can sleep through the storm. Even when I cannot sense your presence, you are here with me. Your love steadies me. You strengthen me with joy that contradicts the chaos I see all around.

You’ve trained me with the weapons of warfare-worship; now I shall kneel down into my battle with power to chase and conquer the coming waves. Align my words and thoughts with your truth. You are my Deliverer, Provider, Healer, Savior, and Friend. Give me fresh perspective and wisdom for each facet of my life. 

Just as the birds of the air fly upon your breath, I too will rise above to sing a song of praise with a beautiful melody. Songs of love begin to flow - - effortlessly from my lips as I anticipate my coming victory. 

You’re so good to me. I’ve believed for so long, but now I see your  promises. The answer is so clear. It was there all along. I shall battle within your Word, come before you in Praise & Worship and then rest in the safety of your arms to wait my rescue.

My Fortress! There is only one strong, safe, and secure place for me; it’s in God and He Alone. You come to kiss me with restoration. Once again I will walk upon the breath of grace to hear you speak. 

Every word you speak is true and alive. You desire the best for me in every part of my life. I will trust you and your timing, because I know how much you love me. Now you’ve turned my sadness into a whirling dance of ecstatic praise! I will shout it from the mountains—you are faithful! Hallelujah!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


 Life is But a Weaving

My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me.
I cannot choose the colors
He weaveth steadily.
Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow;
And I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper
And I the underside.
Not ’til the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Will God unroll the canvas
And reveal the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful
In the weaver’s skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned
He knows, He loves, He cares;
Nothing this truth can dim.
He gives the very best to those
Who leave the choice to Him.

Poem by Grant Colfax Tullar

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


I said to the Lord God, “You are my Maker, my Mediator, and my Master. Any good thing you find in me has come from you.” And he said to me, “My holy lovers are wonderful, my majestic ones, my glorious ones, fulfilling all my desires.” Psalm 16:2–3

I run to you, Yahweh God. There is no other safe place other than in your arms. No one knows me the way you do. You’re my Maker, Dream Weaver and Master. There is nothing I could possibly offer you that hasn’t come from your hands. You certainly aren’t impressed with my goodness, nor am I anything apart from you.

Yet as I look into your face, you declare something more remarkable and glorious than anything I’ve heard before. You say, I’m chosen, wonderful, and glorious in ways I cannot understand. 

Yet, I fulfill you. These words stir me more deeply than any words ever spoken and I yield to them and come undone. It truly is unfathomable that you, the All Mighty God, could think of me this way. 

Your declarations are a mystery of love that inspire me! 

I seek to be all you’ve created me to be. At your right side, I experience my prize, pleasure and divine destiny. I am overwhelmed by the privileges that come with following you! You’ve engraved your very nature into my heart with a seal of golden glory thread. I will never escape your unrelenting love, as my heart explodes with joy - full of glory! 

Friday, April 19, 2024


It really is senseless to work so hard from early morning till late at night, toiling to make a living for fear of not having enough. God can provide for his lovers, even while they sleep! Psalm 127:2 

God, I need your grace. I can’t do this without you. I know—I’ve tried. I’ve done everything I can to make things go the right way. Striving, toiling, doing everything I know to do, yet my labor amounts to nothing. It’s all in vain and I have toiled in my own strength and I come before you to repent.

You are my source of provision. There is nothing I need that you won’t provide. My heart was torn because I wasn’t trusting you, blinded by worry and anxiety, but then you came. You stripped the veils from my eyes and showed me the futility of fear and the power of your love.

Lord, thank you! I invite you into my past. Rewrite my history, so I find you in every valley, desert and wilderness. I give you permission to uncover every fleck of disappointment used to discover your purpose in my life.

Even during my darkest of valleys, shine your light, so I may see how your power of faithful love smiled and held me close even when I was veiled and unable to see.

Thank you in advance for revealing the strongholds of deception as you dismantle the shadows that hinder my faith. I see that I am your tapestry, one single thread woven at a time leading to the next thread until your woven tapestry can be revealed in my life.

I welcome you in my garden; where threads of remembrance have been tangled, knotted and tied off to begin a new thread with flowers of every spectacular color. I can breathe again knowing each new thread leads to your beautiful blooms within my tapestry garden. 

I am so thankful to see every season contains a thread of your love with lessons to be learned. Every tear woven has become a fragrant flower—the scent of unyielding devotion. 

You are the master weaver of my life—the glory of my past, the peace in the present, and the wisdom for the future. Your love is eternal.

The fragrance of your grace is released upon the winds blowing upon my heart. I can smell it. It’s thrilling! I can feel it blowing from heaven—cool and refreshing. Thank you for visiting me with words that release my heart into freedom. Your love melts away my fear. I will rest in you. I trust you. I love you! 🌷

Saturday, April 13, 2024


Righteousness is revealed every time you judge. Because of the strength of your forgiveness, your anger does not break out every day even though you are a righteous Judge. Psalm 7:11

Father, your forgiveness knows no bounds. Your loves is constant - never changing. It is not limited, even by your righteous anger. Your love remains today, tomorrow and forever. Lord heal my mind so every thought is like yours. Give me grace as I learn to forgive; heal me of memories that trigger painful emotions. Let the healing power that flowed from your hands so long ago still reach to mend me now.

I refuse to be held prisoner by bitterness and offense. No matter what anyone has done to me, and regardless of how unfair or terrible it was, I refuse to live in torment. I make the decision today to live in the freedom purchased for me on the cross by Jesus. Anytime I see those who hurt me, I hear their names, or a thought pops up about them, I will arrest that thought and give it to you Father God!

Father please flood every organ and cell, even the blood that flows through my veins, with your heavenly glory. Strengthen my bones, muscles, and ligaments, so I can release forgiveness to them, even if I have to do it many times each day. All sickness and disease must bow to your mighty power— the stripes of Calvary have sealed this promise. I declare health and healing are mine—body, soul, and spirit. 

I have made the decision to feel empowered by hope, joy and your peace instead of anger and resentment to rule my imaginations. Pour out your love, so fear cannot abide. I release unforgiveness and bitterness so they do not poison my soul. Touch every fiber of my being so I will enjoy the long and vibrant life you created. Help me see through your eyes those who’ve hurt me as I lift them up to your care. I lay aside my right to be angry or hurt and let every thought of mine line up with yours so that I may be victorious! In Jesus Name I pray! 

Friday, April 5, 2024


When we read the Psalms, we ready our hearts to hear from the Spirit.   

Let us read Psalm 18 once again. As we meditate on these words, the Spirit of the Lord comes; his love beckons our hearts with feelings of warmth. As we sit quietly for a moment in adoration for our Savior ponder the cost.  

This could be dangerous. . . . It could cost you everything—your identity, your friends, perhaps even your life. You may be hesitant to say yes, but the thought of remaining in the mundane safety of a church pew no longer seems inviting. You are moving towards holiness and purity as you step over the threshold of His presence. This is a place that drives out all fear. A deep passion for Jesus, our Bridegroom rises within your soul. Your thoughts take hold and you imagine His piercing eyes for a moment and then your eyes travel to gaze upon your wedding garments. Your spirit stirs forcefully within you, dancing above every other thought and your heart cries, “Yes Jesus! I am Yours forever.”

Dear Father, your Word has taught me well. You’ve trained me with the weapons of warfare-worship; now I will stand in the battle with power to chase and conquer my foes.Your love has emboldened me. In the middle of the fiercest battle, my arms are lifted high in praise. I know where my help comes from; it comes from you.

My eyes will remain fixed on you, even when the crashing waves threaten to tear apart my lil boat at sea. I believe in your love and trust its goodness. You teach me the ways of rest, so I can ride through my storm. Even when I cannot sense your presence, you are here with me. Your love steadies me and is the light that strengthened my steps against the voices of fear.  I am comforted by your word as the strongest weapon in my arsenal- the power of Your Spirit upon my lips contradicts all the chaos that surrounds me. 

The enemy doesn’t stand a chance when I fight from my knees with a worshiping heart. My lips will declare your truth, wielding a blow that destroys every opposition. When I live for you, nothing is wasted and my trial of stormy waves become the foundation for my future victories. Through it, I get to know you like I never have to discover your faithfulness in the midst of pain.I love you Father and I am grateful! 🌻

Thursday, April 4, 2024


My insides are turned inside out;
    specters of death have me down.
I shake with fear,
    I shudder from head to foot.
“Who will give me wings,” I ask—
    “wings like a dove?”
Get me out of here on dove wings;
    I want some peace and quiet.
I want a walk in the country,
    I want a cabin in the woods.
I’m desperate for a change
    from rage and stormy weather. Psalm 55:4-8

This is our wilderness …How often do we wish we could fly away and escape it all! If only there was a place to run that provides much needed rest and peace. A place far away where no one could find us to retreat to an all inclusive cabin away from our daily storms!

When I feel this way, I often pray To The Lord, don’t let my heart grow dim. Don’t let these difficult circumstances steal the affection I have for you, by overwhelming my mind with worries. All I want to do is get as far away from the stress as I can and shake-off the heaviness. If only I could hide myself leaving it all behind.

But I know that’s not the answer. 

The truth is …God you are the peace that surpasses all understanding. You are my cabin retreat and I don’t need to run anywhere other than sit in your presence and repent for worry, for every thought out of alignment with your will. Sometimes, this means shutting out everything and everyone for just a half hour or sitting in the sunshine letting your rays encourage me. I must choose the path that leads to you no matter how hard it is to find. One day without you and trouble finds me either in my actions or in my opinions, but one thought of you, one word of praise and I find myself sitting above my storm. Thank You Father!!

I begin to pray, God Infuse me with your grace, so I can stand in the midst of this storm. As I lean into you to clear away the cobwebs of confusion that plague my thoughts, I feel a warmth begin to build! Please Touch my mind in the areas that have been ensnared by the enemy of my soul. Touch my eyes, so I can see things from your perspective. Touch my ears so your whisper reaches my heart. Breathe fresh resolve into my lungs so my faith expands upward. I know everything I need to get through comes from you.t  Thank you Jesus. 🕊️

O God-Enthroned in heaven, I lift my eyes toward you in worship.

The way I love you is like the way a servant wants to please his master, the way a maid waits for the orders of her mistress.We look to you, our God, with passionate longing to please you and discover more of your mercy and grace.For we’ve had more than our fill of this scoffing and scorn—this mistreatment by the wealthy elite. Lord, show us your mercy! Lord, show us your grace! 

Let us pray for mercy and favor from the Lord, and He shall give them to us. Be alert to His signals!

Be attentive to people who reach out to you, verses that come to mind, and promptings from the Holy Spirit. Keep your eyes open for God’s responses to you.


“Stand Still” M y soul, for My Father commands it.  When my way seems blocked, I leave it in His wise hands; His arm is mighty to divide the...