Monday, April 29, 2024


There is a river whose streams delight the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.Psalm 46:4

Father God, when I witness your breathtaking wonders at the break of dawn, I stand —awestruck by your great power dressed in red, orange and pink skies of mystery. 

Your glory ignites my faith, yet I am speechless. Your power is limitless. How mighty you are!  

As the nations rage all around me, your voice shakes the mountains to still the course of madness seeking to destroy me. You are God, Creator, Commander, and Mighty Lord of heavenly Armies who will be exalted everywhere on earth!

This is why I shall never fear: you are my dwelling place and the shelter in which I hide. Neither raging storm nor blazing fire—shall separate me from your love. You are more than capable of keeping me safe, even when the earth quakes and the mountains crash into the sea. 

As I step into your living waters nothing shall crush my faith as I swim into the deep. As I take a drink, your rivers of refreshment take me to find your holy waters that sparkle with joy and delight. It is here that I gaze upon My Abba whose causes both ruin and revival.

As I float in wonder of your love -there is no other. You are my unshakable heavenly tower of strength for whom I abide. Your perfect path reveals your promises - proven true. You are the favor garment of love that provides power as I wrap myself in you for strength.

Your gentleness has brought me back to life. Your love surprises me. Out of the ashes you discovered unexpected beauty. My once dry and dusty soul now flows with your rivers of living water. My fears are silenced by your love.

My spirit now dressed in clouds of mystery, you hold me tight. Today, I step into victory. You have restored my roar and made me great. Your are My King and worthy of Praise!

Today, read this as a prayer to connect you to God’s heart. As you take a portion of your day to pray aloud, and yes, I encourage you to pray out loud, your heart will burn with your soul’s desire to connect with Yah. 

Our Prayers is God’s way of drawing us into his heart. He knows that life-changing power is released when we spend time with Jesus in prayer. Adoration turns into transformation—if we are patient with ourselves. The more we love him, the more we spend time with him. And the more we spend time with him, the more our soul is transformed into his image and our spirit arises. Hallelujah! (2 Corinthians 3:18; John 14:21). 


“Stand Still” M y soul, for My Father commands it.  When my way seems blocked, I leave it in His wise hands; His arm is mighty to divide the...