Friday, April 19, 2024


It really is senseless to work so hard from early morning till late at night, toiling to make a living for fear of not having enough. God can provide for his lovers, even while they sleep! Psalm 127:2 

God, I need your grace. I can’t do this without you. I know—I’ve tried. I’ve done everything I can to make things go the right way. Striving, toiling, doing everything I know to do, yet my labor amounts to nothing. It’s all in vain and I have toiled in my own strength and I come before you to repent.

You are my source of provision. There is nothing I need that you won’t provide. My heart was torn because I wasn’t trusting you, blinded by worry and anxiety, but then you came. You stripped the veils from my eyes and showed me the futility of fear and the power of your love.

Lord, thank you! I invite you into my past. Rewrite my history, so I find you in every valley, desert and wilderness. I give you permission to uncover every fleck of disappointment used to discover your purpose in my life.

Even during my darkest of valleys, shine your light, so I may see how your power of faithful love smiled and held me close even when I was veiled and unable to see.

Thank you in advance for revealing the strongholds of deception as you dismantle the shadows that hinder my faith. I see that I am your tapestry, one single thread woven at a time leading to the next thread until your woven tapestry can be revealed in my life.

I welcome you in my garden; where threads of remembrance have been tangled, knotted and tied off to begin a new thread with flowers of every spectacular color. I can breathe again knowing each new thread leads to your beautiful blooms within my tapestry garden. 

I am so thankful to see every season contains a thread of your love with lessons to be learned. Every tear woven has become a fragrant flower—the scent of unyielding devotion. 

You are the master weaver of my life—the glory of my past, the peace in the present, and the wisdom for the future. Your love is eternal.

The fragrance of your grace is released upon the winds blowing upon my heart. I can smell it. It’s thrilling! I can feel it blowing from heaven—cool and refreshing. Thank you for visiting me with words that release my heart into freedom. Your love melts away my fear. I will rest in you. I trust you. I love you! 🌷


“Stand Still” M y soul, for My Father commands it.  When my way seems blocked, I leave it in His wise hands; His arm is mighty to divide the...